Friday, October 8, 2010

Every Film is Someone's Favorite

A wise man once told me about his theory that for every film ever made - no matter how poor the writing, acting, directing, and camera work - there is someone out there who treasures that film as the one film that reaches into the soul and makes life worth living.

If you ask the general population what their favorite film is, normally you get blockbusters or award winners: Gone With The Wind, Citizen Kane, The Godfather, Star Wars, etc. But someone out there lives for Hudson Hawk, and another poor schmo just keeps Leonard Part 6 on repeat all day long in every room in his house.

This site isn't about beating up on people who love terrible, terrible films: their taste in film is their own punishment. Someone's Favorite is basically a film blog, but one that tries hard to examine each film on its own merits.

My taste in film is generally mainstream, with a decidedly geeky but sensitive bent. Here you'll find review on movies old and new, out in theaters for a day or a few weeks, sometimes available on DVD or streaming video, but occasional obscure and unobtainable. I may review a few small independent films here and there as they catch my attention, and many times I'll review huge blockbusters right after I see them on opening weekend. You might come across some of my recent queue selections from Netflix, or whatever is playing on cable on a Tuesday night or Saturday afternoon. Eventually I may be privy to some pre-release screenings, but you'll know when that happens. In the meantime, please note that reviews may pop up very sporadically, but ultimately, over time, you can be sure that if I have an opinion of a film, it will be here.

...or, more correctly, here, at Please come visit.

I have posted many reviews that I have already written and published elsewhere. Those other sites are either defunct or not exclusively film review sites, so here I am, collating past reviews into this blog. I have backdated any old reviews so that the reader may be aware of the original date of publication. I may have really liked a film right after the end credits rolled on opening night, but by now my opinion may have matured a bit. I won't go back and change any review already posted (except as needed to update links and formatting/spelling errors), but you might see me revisit a film with an updated review from time to time.

Your comments on this site are very welcome. I will not tolerate spam, of course, and I reserve the right to pull any comments for any reason. However, I want to encourage open discussion of film, so as long as you're generally respectful to others, I foresee no reason to wield the hammer.